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How to calculate the cost of a Google dataflow?

My company is evaluating if we can use Google Dataflow.

I have run a dataflow on Google Cloud Platform. The console shows 5 hr 25 minutes in "Reserved CPU Time" field on the right.

Worker configuration: n1-standard-4

Starting 8 workers...

How to calculate the cost of the dataflow ? According to this page the price is $0.01 per GCEU per hr, how can I find the number of GCEU consumed by my dataflow, and the number of hours?

Cloud Dataflow Console


  • You can find the number of GCEUs per machine here: For example, n1-standard-4s are 11 GCEUs.

    The cost of a batch Dataflow job (in addition to the raw cost of VMs) is then

    (Reserved CPU time in hours) / (Cores per machine) * (GCEUs) * $.01

    Then, the total cost of the job is

    (machine hours) * ((GCEUs) * $.01 + (machine cost per hour) + (PD cost per hour for attached disks))

    For example, for n1-standard-4 with 250GB disks, this works out to (11 * $.01 + $.152 + ($.04 * 250 / 30 / 24)) = $.276 per machine-hour.