I able to connect to my VM instance in GCP with a SSH key.
I added user with the sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G {groups} {new user name}
command, and changed the password with th passwd {new user name}
I tried to connect to the VM instance with SSH but i received this error: Permission denied (publickey).
Please help me.
By default, SSH login using a password (as opposed to keys) is disabled on newly created Linux Compute Engines. Fortunately, it can be enabled pretty quickly.
Login to the Linux environment and then edit the text file found at:
Look for the line which reads:
PasswordAuthentication no
and change it to
PasswordAuthentication yes
Save the file.
Finally, restart SSH using:
sudo service ssh restart
sudo service sshd restart
At this point, you will now be able to login using SSH using a userid/password pair.
To set the password for $USER
, do:
sudo passwd $USER