If an Erlang application, myapp, requires mnesia to run, then mnesia
should be included in its application resource file, under key applications
, so that if myapp is started, mnesia would get started automatically - it's node type by default is opt_disc
(OTP 18).
What if I want a disc
node? I know I can set -mnesia schema_location disc
at command line, but this only works if a schema already exists, which means I should perform some initialization before starting myapp, is there an "OTP-ful" way, without removing mnesia
from applications
, to avoid this initialization? The main objective is to turn "init-then-start" into just "start".
This is not correct from your post:
should be included in its application resource file, under key applications, so that if myapp is started, mnesia would get started automatically.
The applications which you write as a value of applications
key in .app
file don't start automatically, but it says that they must be started before your application is started.
Imagine that we want to create foo
application which depends on mnesia
with some customization. One way is starting it in foo_app.erl
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
start(_Type, _Args) ->
mnesia:change_table_copy_type(schema, node(), disc_copies),
%% configure mnesia
%% create your tables
%% ...
stop(_State) ->
This way it creates disc
schema whether it was created before or not.
Note: In this solution if you write mnesia
as dependency under applications
key in you foo.app.src
file (which in compile time would create foo.app
), when starting the foo
application you get {error, {not_started, mnesia}}
. So you must not do it and let your application to start it in its foo_app:start/2