The JSON response returned by a RESTful API contains the @ symbol for some keys and other keys are made in this manner ("document.title").
My piece of JSON looks like this.
"fields": {
"document.content_type": [
"": [
"@title": [
"The History of the Pencil"
"@date": [
"document.content": [
"some text goes here"
"@guid": [
In normal JavaScript/jQuery, I easily can access these values by doing fields["@title"][0] to get the title or fields["document.content"][0] to get the document content, but this format does not work in the json2html transform.
For instance, this code in the transform does not work.
Can anybody point me to how I can in the json/html transform access those special json tags. I know in some cases I can change the tags to be in a more standard format, but what if I cannot change them or for some reason they need to remain as such?
json2html transform splits string inside ${} by ".". You can change keys to be compatible with transform, eg.:
for(var k in data.fields){
data.fields[k.replace(/\./g, '_')] = data.fields[k];