i reuse the same template in other route with different data argument but using the same publication...
if i do normal pub/sub, the data being published as expected. but when i do conditional pub/sub like below, i fail to subscribe the data. console log return empty array,,,
Meteor.publish('ACStats', function(cId, uId) {
var selectors = {cId:cId, uId:uId};
var options = {
fields: {qId:0}
return ACStats.find(selectors,options);
Template.channelList.onCreated(function() {
this.disable = new ReactiveVar('');
if (FlowRouter.getRouteName() === 'profile') {
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
var penName = FlowRouter.getParam('penName');
var u = Meteor.users.findOne({slugName:penName});
if (u) {var uId = u._id;}
Meteor.subscribe('ACStats', null, uId);
} else{
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
var channelName = FlowRouter.getParam('channel');
var c = Channels.findOne({title:channelName});
if (c) {var cId = c._id;}
Meteor.subscribe('ACStats', cId, null);
ACStats.find().fetch() //return empty array
anyone have figured out my mistake ..??
thank You so much....
You can make two publications:
Meteor.publish ('ACStatsChannels', cId, function() {
Meteor.publish ('ACStatsUsers', uId, function() {
And then subscribe like this:
Template.channelList.onCreated(function() {
this.disable = new ReactiveVar('');
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
if (FlowRouter.getRouteName() === 'profile') {
var penName = FlowRouter.getParam('penName');
self.subscribe('ACStatsUsers', penName);
} else {
var channelName = FlowRouter.getParam('channel');
self.subscribe('ACStatsChannels', channelName);