I am trying to update an attribute of a nested resource using a button but cannot get it to work. Requests are a nested resource of Gigs. A user can see a list of all the requests for his particular gig, with a button after each for 'hire' and 'reject'.
The closest I have come is with;
<%= form_for ([@gig, @gig.requests.build]) do |h| %>
<%= h.hidden_field :status, value: "hired" %>
<%= h.submit "Hire", class: "btn" %>
<% end %>
As I have .build
it duplicates the 'request' with the correct status but leaves the original untouched. I have tried using .update
and .patch
but these don't work, and as I can't find a list of variables, any further attempts would be useless.
I have also tried the link_to
method eg.
link_to("Hire", gig_requests_path(@request, :status => "hired"), :method => :put, :confirm => "Are you sure?")
which gives a no route error.
I seem to have got closest with the form method although I imagine the link method isn't working as I am probably messing up due to the resource being nested. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!
Just in case:
def update
@request = Request.find(params[:id])
if @request.update(request_params)
redirect_to gig_path(@gig)
render 'edit'
def request_params
params.require(:request).permit(:message, :gig_id, :status)
resources :gigs do
resources :requests
In the end I did it as so:
resources :requests
post 'request/:id/hired' => 'requests#hired', as: :hired_request
get 'hired'
def hired
@request = Request.find(params[:id])
@request.update(status: "hired")
redirect_to gig_requests_path
flash[:notice] = "MARKED AS HIRED"
and the view:
<%= button_to "Hire user", { action: "hired", id: request.id },
method: :post, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" } %>