I am adding GA Event tracking code and listening for clicks.
In the below code I am creating the links dynamically using Javascript:
<c:forEach items="${higherStudiesSubCategory}" var="sub">
databb1=databb1 + '<a class="col-xs-4 Cfilter" id="higherstudies,${sub}" onclick="GetResultAccordingToSubCategory(this)">${sub}</a>';
option1=option1 + '<option value="${sub}">${sub}</option>';
After adding Event tracking code :
<c:forEach items="${higherStudiesSubCategory}" var="sub">
databb1=databb1 + '<a class="col-xs-4 Cfilter" id="higherstudies,${sub}" onclick="ga(send,event,SubCategory,click,'+location+':${sub});GetResultAccordingToSubCategory(this)">${sub}</a>';
option1=option1 + '<option value="${sub}">${sub}</option>';
The difference in the above code is the onclick function :
But the above code does not fire the event (tracked through omnibug) as single quotes is missing in the above code. It should be:
But using the single quotes in the code gives javascript error. Please help me how can i add single quotes in my javascript onclick function?
Try this:
'<a class="col-xs-4 Cfilter" id="higherstudies,${sub}" onclick="ga('+"'send'"+','+"'event'"+','+"'SubCategory'"+','+"'click'"+',\''+location+':${sub}\');GetResultAccordingToSubCategory(this)">${sub}</a>';