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How to change groupid if project is already uploaded to bintray and synced with jcenter?

I've recently uploaded my github project to bintray and successfully synced it with JCenter repository. I used this tutorial:

So my gradle dependency was :

dependencies {
     compile 'com.github.danylo2006:hashtag-helper:1.1.0'

In order to upload it I've modified my build.gradle and added relevant peace of script. Everything like in the tutorial.

... some code here
ext {
    bintrayRepo = 'maven'
    bintrayName = 'hashtag-helper'

    publishedGroupId = 'com.github.danylo2006'
    libraryName = 'HashTagHelper'
    artifact = 'hashtag-helper'

    libraryDescription = 'This is a library designed for highlighting hashtags ("#example") and catching click on them.'

    siteUrl = ''
    gitUrl = ''

    libraryVersion = '1.1.0'

    developerId = 'danylovolokh'
    developerName = 'Danylo Volokh'
    developerEmail = '[email protected]'

    licenseName = 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
    licenseUrl = ''
    allLicenses = ["Apache-2.0"]

Here is the tricky part:

I've changed my github nickname danylo2006 to danylovolokh and now I want to change gradle dependency:

dependencies {
     compile 'com.github.danylo2006:hashtag-helper:1.1.0'

Change to:

dependencies {
     compile 'com.github.danylovolokh:hashtag-helper:1.1.0'
  1. I got groupId that I need from Sonatype
  2. So I've modified my gradle script.

The only relevant change is :

publishedGroupId = 'com.github.danylo2006'

Has been changed to

publishedGroupId = 'com.github.danylovolokh'

I run the relative commands: gradlew install gradlew bintrayUpload


But if I add new dependency to any other gradle project I get an error that "Error:(36, 13) Failed to resolve: com.github.danylovolokh:hashtag-helper:1.1.0"


  • Inclusion to JCenter is done by the path of your groupId. JFrog needs to include the new path from your package to JCenter as well. Please contact JFrog support at [email protected]