I want my img be clickable for only its non-tansparent area because it blocks images that are behind.For example when I click north France it chooses Germany. How can this be possible? I have something like this and all of the countries are an image on html page.
Here is the image of my website:
Your image is a JPEG. It has no transparent parts. However, the easiest way to assign different actions to different regions would be to use an image map. I used this online tool to create areas corresponding to France and Germany. You should be able to create areas for all the other countries in just a few minutes.
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area alt="" title="" href="#" shape="poly" coords="248,165,275,136,
onclick="alert('Germany'); return false" />
<area alt="" title="" href="#" shape="poly" coords="159,199,194,202,
onclick="alert('France'); return false" />
<!-- et cetera -->
<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/pGuAF.jpg" alt="" usemap="#Map" />