I have used ng-include
as shown below.But it is not working.Could you tell me why ? Thanks in advance.
<div ng-include="'propertymanagement/tabs/createPropertyForm.html'"></div>
I have tried this way also.But same 404
<div ng-include="'tabs/createPropertyForm.html'"></div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="createPropertyForm.html">
<form name="createPropertyForm" role="form">
//removed for clarity
Soloution Tree
Note : When I put it on the same page then it works.But how can I do that in above way ? B'cos I would like to put that code on separate .cshtml
<div ng-include="'createPropertyForm.html'"></div> //on same page where this works well
Method 1 : OP's Answer
You can do this.Here is the way.You have to give the full path as shown below.
<div ng-include="'~/App/tenant/views/propertymanagement/tabs/createPropertyForm.cshtml'"></div>
If you have any performance issues then check it out here : ng-Include is very slow with the external template
Method 2 :
you cant include .cshtml page by using ng-include
for it you have to go with proper routing of mvc ,Like
<div ng-include="'controller/Template/createPropertyForm'"></div>
here createPropertyForm will be like a id part of a action method
public ActionResult Template(string id)
switch (id.ToLower())
case "createPropertyForm":
return PartialView("~/Views/propertymanagement/tabs/createPropertyForm.cshtml");
throw new Exception("template not known");
otherwise just create a html page and access it as
<div ng-include="'createPropertyForm.html'"></div>