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Cannot convert `object' expression to type `float' - HealthParam.SetValue (PlayerHealth.currentHealth);

I'm working on a demo audio project in Unity 5 and coming across some issues. My goal is to assign the value of currentHealth (which is contained inside a separate "PlayerHealth" script) to a parameter in FMOD that modulates the music (makes it more intense) as the health of the player decreases. I am not a programmer by any means, but have been forced to get my hands dirty to implement the music in Unity 5.

HealthParam.setValue (PlayerHealth.currentHealth);

This line of code is making Unity unhappy. I've gathered it might have something to do with the difference between static and instance members, but again I'm not a programmer and really don't know how to delve into the weeds on this.

The errors are:

"Argument #1' cannot convertobject' expression to type `float'"

"The best overloaded method match for `FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance.setValue(float)' has some invalid arguments"

"An object reference is required to access non-static member `PlayerHealth.currentHealth'"

Here is the Script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MusicManager : MonoBehaviour 

public int startingHealth = 100;                            
public int currentHealth;
public PlayerHealth playerHealth;
GameObject player; 

public string ScaryMusic = "event:/ZombunnyHorrorMusic";
FMOD.Studio.EventInstance MusicEv;
FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance HealthParam;

void awake()
//      player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
//      playerHealth = player.GetComponent <PlayerHealth> ();

void Start () 
    MusicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance (ScaryMusic);
    MusicEv.getParameter ("Health", out HealthParam);
    MusicEv.start ();

void update()
//      currentHealth = Mathf.Abs (PlayerHealth.currentHealth);
    HealthParam.setValue (PlayerHealth.currentHealth);

void OnDestroy ()
    MusicEv.stop (FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.IMMEDIATE);



  • Well, PlayerHealth is a class and the instance variable playerHealth is of type PlayerHealth.

    I guess what you really want is


    which would access the instance variable instead of the class. That's what the last error message suggests.

    By using PlayerHealth.currentHealth you suggest that there is a class member (static) named currentHealth, which obviously does not exist. Using playerHealth.currentHealth you access the value of the current so called instance of PlayerHealth.

    Short "semi-developer" version of static vs. non-static

    Every member variable of a class can either be a class variable (declared static) or an instance variable (without static). A class variable can be accessed without having a current instance of the class (created with new). An instance variable (as the name already suggests) is only available if you have an instance of the class at hand.


    public class StaticVSNonStatic
        public static int StaticValue;
        public int NonStaticValue;

    The following works:

    StaticVSNonStatic.StaticValue = 5;

    The following doesn't:

    StaticVSNonStatic.NonStaticValue = 5;

    For the latter you need an instance of the StaticVSNonStatic class:

    StaticVSNonStatic instance = new StaticVSNonStatic();
    instance.NonStaticValue = 5;

    Please note that class variables should really be an exception, as usually the point of having instances of a class is to have separate "records" that follow the same data model but contain different data.