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Loop through each row in a data frame, extract values from raster and write csv files

I have a data frame with a Name, longitude and latitude columns. I want a function that goes trough each row, extract the values from a raster stack and write csv files based on the Name column.

Name    Lon     Lat
Name1   11.11   47.87
Name2   150.1   -40.4
Name3   -50.2   -3.5
Name4   -100.3  49.8

s <- stack(replicate(5, {raster(matrix(runif(2160*4320), 2160), 
         xmn=-180, xmx=180, ymn=-90, ymx=90)}))

I can do that one by one:

location <- data.frame(11.11, 47.87)
ex <- extract(s, location)
write.csv(ex, "Name1.csv")


  • A very traditional method works with a for-loop

    d1 <-c("Name1", "Name2","Name3", "Name4")
    d2 <- c(11.11,150.1,-50.2,-100.3)
    d3 <-c(47.87, -40.4, -3.5, 49.8)
    data.df <-data.frame(d1,d2,d3)
    for(i in 1:nrow(data.df)) 
      location <- data.frame(data.df[i,2],data.df[,3])
      ex <- extract(s, location)
      write.csv(ex, fn1)

    Four files are generated containing information like:


    I hope that's the result you are looking for. There might be some more advanced and performing method (based on apply-family???) and as a R beginner am interested in as well.