I'm having problem in reading text file for line to line addition operation. I have used following syntax
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("input.txt");
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] splitted = line.Split('#');
string first = splitted[0].Trim();
string second = splitted[1].Trim();
I have used this syntax to separate the input from text file if file has following values.
x= Convert.ToInt32(first);
y= Convert.ToInt32(second);
sum = x+y;
txtBox.text = Convert.ToString(sum);
the problem is it only executes the last line. It only calculate the sum of 23 and 31 and show only but I want to add 12 and 15 first and show it in textbox similarly I want to add others. please help me in forming appropriate syntax.
The question is vague one, however, I suggest using Linq:
var source = File
.ReadLines("input.txt") // read line by line
.Select(line => line.Split('#')) // split each line
//.Where(items => items.Length == 2) // you may want to filter out the lines
.Select(items => new { // convert each line into anonymous class
first = items[0].Trim(),
second = items[1].Trim()
You can add as many Select
(line to line opetations) as you want. Then you can proceed the items in a foreach
foreach (var item in source) {
// Let's read some fields from the anonymous object
var first = item.first;
var second = item.second;
Edit: according to the edited question you want just to sum up which can be done via Linq as well:
var result = File
.Select(line => line.Split('#'))
//.Where(items => items.Length == 2) // you may want to filter out the lines
.Sum(items => int.Parse(items[0]) + int.Parse(items[1]));
txtBox.text = result.ToString();