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Auto Conversion to XML from Java Object is not working in Restlet

I have a method

public User getUser()
 return new User();

In this case when calling this method browser is showing null as response. I have also annotated the User class with @XmlRootElement Tag.

It is working fine for Json transformation

public User getUser()
 return new User();

Please help me where I am going wrong


  • You can leverage the converter service of Restlet for automatic transformation of objects to payload and payload to objects.

    I don't know what you use for JSON, but for XML and JAXB you need to add the org.restlet.ext.jaxb jar file corresponding to the JAXB extension of Restlet.

    Doing that a converter for JAXB will be automatically add into the Restlet engine to actually handle such beans.

    Hope it helps you, Thierry