So I have an element I want to modify (with Fx.Tween, but I suppose it doesn't really matter). However, the element id is dynamically generated, meaning I have to piece it together from some variables.
So let's say... (in js)
name = 'foo';
id = '42';
and I want to access element $('foo_42')
... how would I type it out?
$(name+'_'+id) doesn't seem to work, unless I'm doing it wrong...?
Actual example from my code:
var highlight = new Fx.Tween($(accountID+'_'+type+'_'+permission), {
background-color: #f00;
Update: Looks like this question had no answer - my JS in the code sample is just wrong... due to incorrect usage of the Fx.Tween function. Thanks all.
No, that's pretty much exactly it. Mootools won't know if you do $('foo_42')
or $('foo' + '_' + '42')
, all it will see is foo_42
. Just make sure that ID actually exists. If it doesn't, then $()
will return null