So I want to equate two dictionaries of the same type [AnyLanguage: SortedList<String>]
conforms to Hashable
, and therefore also Equatable
, so it's not a problem. SortedList
on the other hand does not conform to Equatable
, as it is generic over Element
, which has no restrictions:
public struct SortedList<Element> { ... }
Now, I have implemented the equality operator for SortedList
, when its Elements
conform to Equatable
public func ==<T: Equatable>(left: SortedList<T>, right: SortedList<T>) -> Bool
Now, when comparing two of the aforementioned dictionaries:
let dictA: [AnyLanguage: SortedList<String>] = [:]
let dictB: [AnyLanguage: SortedList<String>] = [:]
dictA == dictB
I get the following error:
I assume that the compiler is complaining because SortedList
does not conform to Equatable
, even though I have implemented the comparison operator for equatable Element
s (which SortedList<String>
would be able to use, as String
is equatable).
How can I compare the two dictionaries?
The ==
operator for dictionaries requires that both Key and Value
type conform to Equatable
You have implemented a (restricted) ==
operator for SortedList<Element>
But implementing a ==
operator for a type does not make that type
automatically. The conformance must be declared explicitly.
Unfortunately, it is (currently) not possible to make SortedList<Element>
conform to Equatable
only if Element
is Equatable
. The same problem exists for arrays, compare
Why can't I make Array conform to Equatable? for a discussion
in the Apple developer forum.
The only solutions – as far as I know – are to make SortedList<Element>
conform to Equatable
unconditionally (as in Cristik's answer), or to define
a custom comparison operator for dictionaries
func ==<Key : Equatable, T : Equatable>(lhs: [Key : SortedList<T>], rhs: [Key : SortedList<T>]) -> Bool {
// ...