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How to get Editable Tableview Cell value after edit complete in JavaFX FXML

I have a TableView selectedProductsTable with editable column quantityColumn. I want to take value after user edit column. method gets called without problem but I don't how to get the value.

private TableView selectedProductsTable;
private TableColumn quantityColumn;

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
   selectedProductDataList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

public void onEditCommitSelectedProductTable( ){

    // this method fires when user press enter after finish editing "Quantity" column value.

    // how to get Edited value


I'm adding values to the table in method which get called in button click. image of GUI


  • The onEditCommit handler takes a CellEditEvent object as its parameter, which contains information about the event, including the new value. So you can do

    public void onEditCommitSelectedProductTable(CellEditEvent<?,?> event){
        Object newValue = event.getNewValue();
        // other data that might be helpful:
        TablePosition<?,?> position = event.getTablePosition();
        int row = position.getRow();
        // etc ...