I am making a class that converts Roman numerals into arabic numbers, my code complies fine but when i try to make a client class to test it I am getting the error "constructor RomanNumerals in class RomanNumerals cannot be applied to given types; required: no arguments; found: int; reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length".
Here is my code where i call the constructor
public class RomanConverter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TextIO.putln("Enter a Roman numeral and this will change it to an");
TextIO.putln("arabic integer. Enter an integer.")
while (true) {
TextIO.put("? ");
while (TextIO.peek() == ' ' || TextIO.peek() == '\t')
if ( TextIO.peek() == '\n' )
if ( Character.isDigit(TextIO.peek()) ) {
int arab = TextIO.getlnInt();
try {
RomanNumerals N = new RomanNumerals(arab);
TextIO.putln(N.toInt() + " = " + N.toString());
And here is the constructor
public void RomanNumerals(int arabic){
num = arabic;
You are trying to instantiate a RomanNumerals
object using an overloaded constructor that you haven't defined.
public void RomanNumerals(int arabic){
num = arabic;
is a method actually, not a constructor. You need to define a constructor this way:
public RomanNumerals(int arabic){
// Initialization