I'm having issues with my wildly installation. The version is 8.2.0. I observed that when number of connections gets to a certain level it would start rejecting connections. Here are my questions:
- Is it only at worker under io subsystem that the thread configuration is set?
You can set a specific worker for your server in the undertow subsystem, then the thread pool settings are in the io subsystem as you mentionned.
- Are there other configurations in wildfly that I need to set that affect performance?
Yes, there are a ton of them. Which are relevant is hard to say without any other element than "connections are 'rejected'". You should check error logs for your vhost at the very least.
- Is there a way I can know the number of threads currently been used so I can know when to adjust the configurations to accommodate additional load?
Yes you can. Take a look at this article.