I am trying to create an array with threads. My code looks like this:
boost::thread threads[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
client c(io_services[i], "www.boost.org", "/");
threads[i] ( boost::bind(workerFunc, i) );
And I am getting compilation error:
error: no match for call to ‘(boost::thread) (boost::_bi::bind_t<void, void (*)(int), boost::_bi::list1<boost::_bi::value<int> > >)’
threads[i] ( boost::bind(workerFunc, i) );
I can not figure out what I need change in my code. Any help will be appreciated.
You're looking for:
boost::thread threads[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
client c(io_services[i], "www.boost.org", "/");
threads[i] = boost::thread( boost::bind(workerFunc, i) );