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ASP Update panel breaks jQuery star rating system

I've added an updatePanel to my ListView. When the page first loads, it displays my rating system fine (here is the krajee-star rating library that I'm using):

enter image description here

However, when the page does a partial-postback, it causes the control to appear like this:

enter image description here

Here is the code snippet:

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server">
        <asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" ItemType="Country" SelectMethod="ListView1_GetData">
            <input id="starRating" value="<%# Item.AverageRating %>" type="number" class="rating" min="0" max="5" step="0.5" readonly="true" data-size="xs">

What are my options? I did have a look at triggers, but I think these only work with ASP controls. Ideally, I would like to keep the updatePanel.

I also tried to use pageLoad() but this also didn't solve the issue (it actually wipes out 'score' for the rating completely):

function pageLoad() {
  $(function () {
    $("").rating('create', { showClear: false, size: "xs", readonly: true });


  • After looking at the outputted HTML, I noticed that on partial-page load the rating-system was not rendering, but instead it was showing the <input ... tag, being the reason why it was displaying it like shown above.

    I decided to look at the correct, star-rating markup, where I was able to understand how the star-system works and was able to configure some javascript code to run:

    function pageLoad(sender, args) {
      if (args.get_isPartialLoad())
        $(function () {
          $('input[type="number"]').each(function () {
            var value = $(this).val();            
            var width = value * 20;
            var elem = "<div class='star-rating rating-xs rating-disabled'><div class='clear-rating' title='Clear'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign'></i></div><div class='rating-container rating-gly-star' data-content=''><div class='rating-stars' data-content='' style='width: " + width +"%;'></div><input id='starRating' value='" + value + "' type='number' class='rating form-control hide' min='0' max='5' step='0.5' readonly='true' data-size='xs'></div><div class='caption'><span class='label label-default'>" + value + " Stars</span></div></div>"

    This method will only run on partial load, which is when the problem arises. I loop through all the elements and grab the unrendered input. I then calculate the width, which is the amount of 'star' to show and I then insert the correctly, ready to ouput markup, replacing the old one unrendered one.

    This has solved my issue, not pretty, but it has solved my issue.