I'm generating a platoon of C# classes from an UML Class Diagram in Visual Studio 2013 (Update 5). When generated, a new "SchematicsLib" project appears in my solution, and the generated code is then placed into the "GeneratedCode" folder of this new project, no namespaces.
|-- App_Code
| |-- Entities
| `-- ...
`-- ...
`-- GeneratedCode
|-- GeneratedClassA.cs
`-- ...
`-- classes.classdiagram
I'd wish to place the generated code into a folder (reflecting namespace structure) in an existing project of mine, to MyProject/App_Code/Entities - the classes should also be wrapped in the namespace MyProject.App_Code.Entities
as well. How may I accomplish this if I'd wish to keep code generation to a single step?
You will need to define a namespace on your UML. Here are directions on how to do this. Another page in that article states:
If the UML type is contained in a package, the generated C# type is placed inside a namespace, and the file is generated in a folder that has the same name as the namespace.