I want to set timeout attribute in multicast tag from a external property file.
I can use properties without issue with {{property.name}} syntax in uri,etc definitions.
However below usage seems like not permitted. Any ideas how to work around / correct way of this?
<camel:camelContext id="myCamelContext" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<propertyPlaceholder id="korek_config" location="file:${config.path}/my-config.properties"/>
<from uri="...."/>
<multicast parallelProcessing="true"
<to uri="direct:balancesRead"/>
<bean ref="serviceBean" method="getBalances"/>
For using integer properties this way, check out http://camel.apache.org/using-propertyplaceholder.html in the section "Using property placeholders for any kind of attribute in the XML DSL.". You will need to define a namespace for the properties in your blueprint/spring definition:
then you should be able to refer to the property with
<multicast parallelProcessing="true" prop:timeout="retrieve.balances.timeout">