I have a class called "Card" and "CardDeck" where the second is a vector, which contains many cards of the first class.
My << overloading goes like this:
istream& operator<<(ostream& os, Card& card) {
string str;
str += to_string(card._value);
} else {
str += card._identier;
str += suitToChar(card._suit);
return os << str;
And that I think should be fine, at least the compiler doesnt complain about this. The trouble starts when in my CardDeck I want to overload << so it would print all the cards are in.
CardDeck << overloading seems like that:
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, CardDeck& odeck){
for(const Card cur_card: odeck._Deck){
os << cur_card << ' ';
return os;
It complains about accessing to private fields of card and also:
invalid initialization of reference of type 'std::istream& {aka std::basic_istream<char>&}' from expression of type 'std::basic_ostream<char>'
and then other very strange stuff as (about each line in the first operator overloading):
within this context
istream to ostream fixed.
That was one probem. Now I see 162 warrnings with "info" about the CardDeck operator overloading and it tell's me i'm getting to private fields of CardDeck (the vector is there).
`invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'CardDeck&' from an rvalue of type no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'std::ostream {aka std::basic_ostream<char>}' and 'const Card')`
and a lot of "info" (eclipse) of such repeating pattern:
'const Card' is not derived from 'const std::extreme_value_distribution<_RealType>'
istream& operator<<(ostream& os, Card& card)
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Card& card)