pretty new on the C++ side of windows - special non-Win32 such as UWP -
I am trying to cap FPSs at a steady 60 FPS by simply ticking (Update/Render) every 1000/60 milliseconds. I am facing a strange situation though. If I am using Present(0,0), the swap chain will lock and v-sync automatically, all good. If I use Present1(0,DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_WAIT, ¶ms) ... I hit 600 FPSs...
NOW, while letting FPSs free (600), I want to implement my own ticker. So far I have:
bool Ticker::Tick() {
long currentTick = GetTickCount64();
long deltaTicks = (currentTick - gLastTick);
bool tick = false;
// determine whether it is tick time
if (deltaTicks >= gUpdateTime) {
gLastTick = currentTick;
char buf[256];
sprintf_s(buf, "Current delta: %30d\n", deltaTicks);
tick = true;
// this metric must happen regardless of actual true Ticks
if (currentTick - gSecondTime >= 1000) {
gCurrentFrameRate = gTicksCount;
gSecondTime = currentTick;
OutputDebugStringW(L"Second is up\n");
gTicksCount = 0;
return tick;
Needless to say this is not working... I am hitting 20/21 FPSs when my target is refresh very 1000/60.
I believe I am committing a rather silly mistake but I can't see where.
Thank you.
From the doc:
The resolution of the GetTickCount64 function is limited to the resolution of the system timer, which is typically in the range of 10 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds.
So as 1000/60 ~ 15ms, the counter resolution is inadequate.