How is it possible to include paths to Bourbon (installed via npm) in a package.json of a node project?
All the examples I've seen are via grunt, etc:
var bourbon = require('node-bourbon');
bourbon.includePaths // Array of Bourbon paths
Anyone know how to do this so that the following will work in SASS files?
@import 'bourbon';
Current SASS compilation is a step in our build that looks like this:
"scripts": {
// Need to import bourbon npm package as sass before /scss directory
"sass": "node-sass -o build/css/ scss/"
There are several ways to do that, but as far as i know it's not possible to set the include path in the package.json.
If you are using the Sass CLI you can run sass -I [path to bourbon] input.scss:output.css
Using node-sass
would be:
"scripts": {
"sass": "node-sass --include-path node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets -o build/css/ scss/"