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How to add property to vertex property in java?

I want to add property to a vertex property. In gremlin i add property "phone" to vertex property "places" that has value is "place1"


It worked ok without using transaction commit. But when i used this way in java code, it not worked. So in java code, how to add a property to vertex property? Thank for your help.


  • You need to iterate() the traversal.


    One way to think about: the original code snippet is the query, but then you still need to execute it.

    Here's a full Gremlin Console example that shows the difference.

    gremlin> graph ='inmemory'); g = graph.traversal()
    ==>graphtraversalsource[standardtitangraph[inmemory:[]], standard]
    gremlin> v = graph.addVertex('name','jenny','places','home')
    gremlin> g.V(v).properties('places').hasValue('home')
    gremlin> g.V(v).properties('places').hasValue('home').property('phone','867-5309'); 'traversal was not iterated'
    ==>traversal was not iterated
    gremlin> g.V(v).properties('places').hasValue('home').properties()
    gremlin> g.V(v).properties('places').hasValue('home').property('phone','867-5309').iterate(); 'iterated!'
    gremlin> g.V(v).properties('places').hasValue('home').properties()
    gremlin> graph.tx().commit()

    You need to commit the transaction if you want the data to be persisted.