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Java Web Application with Kundera JPA on Tomcat 7

I have developed a JAVA Rest Service (JDK 1.8) which uses Kundera (V3.2) for a Cassandra Database connection. If I run my application inside eclipse with a Tomcat-Server everything works well. If I want to deploy .war file on another Tomcat 7 the server does not start because of following error:

com.impetus.kundera.loader.MetamodelLoaderException: Error while retreiving and storing entity metadata, Caused by : .

After searching for some solution I found out that the problem can be that I have my entities in an separated jar (which is a dependency in the war file) and and not in the application itself. If this is the problem I have to add the <jar-file> tag to my persistence.xml (

My persistence.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <persistence-unit name="cassandra_pu" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
            <property name="kundera.nodes" value="" />
            <property name="kundera.port" value="9160" />
            <property name="kundera.keyspace" value="booking" />
            <property name="kundera.dialect" value="cassandra"/>
            <property name="sessionless" value="false" />
            <property name="kundera.client.lookup.class" value="com.impetus.client.cassandra.thrift.ThriftClientFactory" />
            <property name="kundera.annotations.scan.package" value="" />
            <property name="" value="update" />    

Is the separate jar-file possibly the problem or should I search for other solutions?


  • The problem was the separate jar-file for entities. When adding the jar-file tag, pointing to the jar for entities, to the persistence.xml everything is ok.