I am trying to display loading box before the flot chart is updated. on document load it works fine however when i use click events on the buttons the loading box only appears after the flot chart has updated.
following doc ready works.
function showLoadGraph() {
$("#loading-div-background").removeAttr( 'style' );
function hideLoadGraph() {
$(document).ready(function() {
//$("#loading-div-background").css({ opacity: 0.8 });
url: 'flot_network_ajax.php',
type: 'GET',
data: 'action=network_availability&' + params,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
ajax_data = data.rows;
//process data
var availability_object = loopInitial(data.rows,"sevendays","");
var json_object = calculateAvailability(availability_object);
error: function(e) {
//called when there is an error
Once initial load is over, i try displaying the loading box on click events but it only changes after flot has updated. Following is placed in doc.ready
//today click event
$("#group_period input").change(function(){
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var to = false;
if (id == "yesterday" || id == "lastmonth")
to = true;
var availability_object = loopInitial(ajax_data,id,to);
var json_object = calculateAvailability(availability_object);
I have added timer to check where it is taking very long. It is actually taking long processing chartdata than the chart itself. If I try to show a loading box before chart data processing it still does not show
start sevendays process: 1450369631807
Object {vfvftfvf: Array[0], vfvf: Array[0], tfvf: Array[0]}
finish sevendays process: 1450369639141
process sevendays duration : 7.334s
start graph render: 1450369639141
finish graph render: 1450369639179
process graph render duration : 0.038s
I set timeout of 1 sec to allow loading box to appear as mentioned in this post