About golang martini
So, how to order of presentation of these handlers? I can not get solution is martini's document.
As you said, middlewares in Martini and others are called in the order they are defined: first the ones added with use, then the route middlewares, then the route handler.
Here is the middleware example given by the martini documentation:
// log before and after a request
m.Use(func(c martini.Context, log *log.Logger){
log.Println("before a request")
log.Println("after a request")
According to this, if you have middlewares A and B and the route R, then the call chain will be something like that:
func A() {
// Do things before B
func B() {
// Do things before R
func R() {
// Do things in R
} ()
// Do things after R
// Do things after B
So depending of what you need, you will need to add code in a middleware before or after the Next()