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cant figure out how to get this template to render properly

Given the following each block

<%@variables.each do | index, value |%>
<%= 'export ' + index.upcase %>=<%= value.upcase%>
<%= 'export ' + index.downcase %>=<%= value.downcase%>

I need it to render like this.

enter image description here

however it is rendering like this

enter image description here

what am i missing?


  • You need to use space trimming in your non-printing tags. Like this...

    <%- @variables.each do | index, value | -%>
    <%= 'export ' + index.upcase %>=<%= value.upcase %>
    <%= 'export ' + index.downcase %>=<%= value.downcase %>
    <%- end -%>

    The <%- and -%> at the start and end of the first and last lines tells Ruby not to add a line break.