Is there anyway to refresh/update the kendo drop down list after an item is selected in the list?
Ex: I have 10 items in the list and when user selects item number 7 i don't want to see 7th item in the drop down.
$scope.macAddressSource = new{
batch: true,
transport: {
read: deviceSvc.getEncodersReadyForCommissioning
//schema: {
// total: "totalItems",
// data: "items"
serverPaging: true
$scope.updateMacAddress = function() {
$scope.macAddressOptions = {
optionLabel: {
id: null,
description: $rootScope.$translate.instant("- None -")
<select kendo-drop-down-list="widgets.deptdropdown" name="dropdown-macAddress" k-data-source="macAddressSource" k-data-text-field="'description'" k-data-value-field="'id'" tabindex="4" k-options="macAddressOptions" ng-model="macAddress" class="col-md-12 ph0 mb-sm"
Try this directly:
Let's say we have a dropdownlist (ddl is dropdownlist). Then, we are reading the datasource. I guess the issue may be the ddl is not refreshing.
So, set the cache value to false.
read: {
url: <<"url">>,
cache: false