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Add Argument to event-handler function?

I'm working with Polymer on a small web-project.

I'm displaying a delete button for every item in a list of items. The delete button triggers the deleteItem()-function. I would like to add or item itself as an argument so I can delete the right item.

How can I do this?

<template id="bind" is="dom-bind">
    var bind = document.querySelector('#bind');
    bind.deleteItem = function() {
      // Get item id?

  <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{data}}">
    <paper-button on-click="deleteItem" id="{{}}">Delete</paper-button></p>


  • You can't pass additional arguments to the event handler but you can get a reference to the model of the event.model.

    See for an example

    <dom-module id="simple-menu">
        <template is="dom-repeat" id="menu" items="{{menuItems}}">
              <button on-click="order">Order</button>
          is: 'simple-menu',
          ready: function() {
            this.menuItems = [
                { name: "Pizza", ordered: 0 },
                { name: "Pasta", ordered: 0 },
                { name: "Toast", ordered: 0 }
          order: function(e) {
            var model = e.model; // <== get the model from the clicked item
            model.set('item.ordered', model.item.ordered+1);