In example code:
class MyWidget : public QWidget
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
qDebug() << event;
QInputDialog::getText(NULL, "", "");
When I click Right mouse button on widget Input dialog appear on screen. After I click any button on dialog it closed and mousePressEvent call again and again and show dialog. If I click Left mouse button or Ctrl+Left Mouse button on widget all work fine. This bug apper only on Mac OS (under Windows work fine).
Please help me to avoid this bug.
Those static/synchronous dialog functions always seemed a bit dubious to me -- they are implemented by recursively re-invoking the Qt event loop routine from within the getText() call, and so it's easy to get "interesting" re-entrancy issues when you use them. (For example, if some event in your program were to delete the MyWidget object before the user had dismissed the QInputDialog, then after QInputDialog::getText() returned, the program would be executing from within the mousePressEvent() method of a deleted MyWidget object, which is a situation that is just begging to cause undefined behavior)
In any case, my recommended fix is to avoid the static/synchronous getText() call and use signals instead, something like this:
#include <QWidget>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QMouseEvent>
class MyWidget : public QWidget
MyWidget() : dialog(NULL) {}
~MyWidget() {delete dialog;}
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
if (dialog)
dialog = new QInputDialog;
connect(dialog, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(dialogDismissed()));
private slots:
void dialogDismissed()
if (dialog)
int result = dialog->result();
QString t = dialog->textValue();
printf("Dialog finished, result was %i, user entered text [%s]\n", result, t.toUtf8().constData());
dialog->deleteLater(); // can't just call delete because (dialog) is what is calling this function (via a signal)!
dialog = NULL;
QInputDialog * dialog;