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KendoTreeView Checkbox Clear All

I am using KendoTreeView control for hierarchical data. Also I need to provide ClearAll feature where all other fields in form including selections made in KendoTreeView should be cleared. So I have written something like this :

 public ClearAll(): void {
        $('#myTreeView').find('input:checkbox').each(function (index,element) {
            $(element).prop('checked', false);

Though this clears all selected checkboxes from treeview, however after this if I check parent node again - child checkboxes does not get checked.

Also this behavior (child nodes not getting checked) happens for first time only, so if I uncheck and check parent node again - child nodes will be checked.

I simulated sample example for this issue :


  • The HTML

    <button id="btnclear" class="k-button" onclick="ClearAll();">Clear All</button>


    function ClearAll()
        $(".k-treeview .k-checkbox input").prop("checked", false).trigger("change");