I'm trying to get a gist of RxCpp, the native cpp implementation of reactive extensions from Microsoft, to see if I could use it in a project, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the concepts.
If I had an observable templated with the following structure:
struct Person
std::string name;
std::string sex;
int age;
How would I create another observable which contained, grouped by sex, the count of people, min age, max age and average age of all the events?
I've looked at examples, and I can't see how to get more than one aggregate at a time.
Use group_by to partition by gender and then combine the min/max/average reducers to produce the desired output per gender.
Updated with count, output and additional comments
This works for me:
#include "rxcpp/rx.hpp"
using namespace rxcpp;
using namespace rxcpp::sources;
using namespace rxcpp::subjects;
using namespace rxcpp::util;
using namespace std;
struct Person
string name;
string gender;
int age;
int main()
subject<Person> person$;
// group ages by gender
auto agebygender$ = person$.
[](Person& p) { return p.gender;},
[](Person& p) { return p.age;});
// combine min max and average reductions.
auto result$ = agebygender$.
map([](grouped_observable<string, int> gp$){
// the function passed to combine_latest
// will be called once all the source streams
// (count, min, max, average) have produced a
// value. in this case, all the streams are reducers
// that produce only one value when gp$ completes.
// thus the function is only called once per gender
// with the final value of each stat.
return gp$.
[=](int count, int min, int max, double average){
return make_tuple(gp$.get_key(), count, min, max, average);
gp$.map([](int age) -> double { return age;}).average());
// this map() returns observable<observable<tuple<string, int, int, int, double>>>
// the merge() returns observable<tuple<string, int, int, int, double>>
// a grouped observable is 'hot' if it is not subscribed to immiediatly (in this case by merge)
// then the values sent to it are lost.
// display results
subscribe(apply_to([](string gender, int count, int min, int max, double avg){
cout << gender << ": count = " << count << ", range = [" << min << "-" << max << "], avg = " << avg << endl;
//provide input data
Person{"Tom", "Male", 32},
Person{"Tim", "Male", 12},
Person{"Stel", "Other", 42},
Person{"Flor", "Female", 24},
Person{"Fran", "Female", 97}).
return 0;
with the resulting output
Female: count = 2, range = [24-97], avg = 60.5
Male: count = 2, range = [12-32], avg = 22
Other: count = 1, range = [42-42], avg = 42