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How to install Google Play Services on 6.0 Genymotion device?

How to install Google Play Services on 6.0 Genymotion device?

For other versions this answer works, but not for 6.0


I've tried to use 6.0 Gapps from this source, but all of them failed to flash the emulator.


  • Ivan, I found the solution here and followed the steps from the user @sinistance and it worked for me using the Nexus 5X Preview API 23.

    To simplify this is the answer:

    what image did you use? i'm using the preview nexus 5x image. here is the steps:

    1. flash then restart.
    2. flash
    3. sign in into your google account.
    4. flash then restart.

    that's all

    You can find all the files in the link above! I hope it works for you!
