I try to issue a POST request with ClientResource, I'm able to retrieve the response STATUS, I also want to get the response body when I get an exception.
Here is my code:
public static Pair<Status, JSONObject> post(String url, JSONObject body) {
ClientResource clientResource = new ClientResource(url);
try {
Representation response = clientResource.post(new JsonRepresentation(body), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
String responseBody = response.getText();
Status responseStatus = clientResource.getStatus();
return new ImmutablePair<>(responseStatus, new JSONObject(responseBody));
} catch (ResourceException e) {
logger.error("failed to issue a POST request. responseStatus=" + clientResource.getStatus().toString(), e);
//TODO - how do I get here the body of the response???
} catch (IOException |JSONException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
Here is the code that my server resource returns in case of failure
JsonRepresentation response = new JsonRepresentation( (new JSONObject()).
put("result", "failed to execute") );
return response;
I try to catch the "result" with no success
In fact, the getResponseEntity
method returns the content of the response. It corresponds to a representation. You can wrap it by a JsonRepresentation
class if you expect some JSON content:
try {
} catch(ResourceException ex) {
Representation responseRepresentation
= clientResource.getResponseEntity();
JsonRepresentation jsonRepr
= new JsonRepresentation(responseRepresentation);
JSONObject errors = jsonRepr.getJsonObject();
You can notice that Restlet also supports annotated exceptions.
Otherwise I wrote a blog post about this subject: http://restlet.com/blog/2015/12/21/exception-handling-with-restlet-framework/. I think that it could help you.