I have cloned a https://github.com/beeman/loopback-angular-admin and I have created a couple of new roles using the loopback explorer and I am trying to get all the roles of a particular user when he logs in by loaded
operation hook defined here -
like this -
user.observe('loaded', function appendRole(ctx, next){
where: {
id: ctx.instance.id
include: {
so how do I return roles of a particular user using operation hooks. I am able to get all the roles of a user using loopback explorer using this api call
So, I tried adding the following code to the user.js -
user.observe('loaded', function appendRole(ctx, next){
and I am getting the following output in the console -
{ [Function]
{ username: '[email protected]',
password: '$2a$10$Bubhaq1LXFyCUn.W1/pEOewLSqspcP2GQlONwGH98V4HqCOAc9522',
email: '[email protected]',
status: 'created',
created: Mon Jan 04 2016 22:53:53 GMT+0530 (IST),
firstName: 'Harshit',
lastName: 'Laddha',
gender: 'male',
birthday: '1993-07-30T18:30:00.000Z',
qualification: 'sa;',
experience: 'askjdl',
achievements: 'sakldj',
street: 'has',
locality: 'alskjd',
area: 'lkjd',
city: 'bangalore',
id: 568aaaa997ace4670b5d9ac2 },
{ where: { principalId: 568aaaa997ace4670b5d9ac2 },
collect: 'role',
include: 'role' },
_targetClass: 'Role',
getAsync: [Function],
build: [Function: build],
create: [Function],
updateAll: [Function: updateAll],
destroyAll: [Function: destroyAll],
findById: [Function],
findOne: [Function: findOne],
count: [Function: count],
destroy: [Function],
updateById: [Function],
exists: [Function],
add: [Function],
remove: [Function] }
so how do I get the roles of user using loaded operation hook
Did you try ctx.instance.roles
UPDATE: Ah crap, that's right, I guess you'll need to do a lookup, but you can't use a user.find()
since it will trigger an infinite loop on the loaded observe. Try something like this:
user.observe('loaded', function getRoleMappings(ctx, next) {
var roleMapFilter = {
where: {principalId: ctx.instance.id},
include: ['role']
user.app.models.RoleMapping.find(roleMapFilter, function(err, roleMaps) {
if (err) {
console.log('roleMap', err);
console.log("roleMaps ", roleMaps);
console.log("roleMaps ", roleMaps);
should output something like:
roleMaps [
id: 1,
principalType: 'USER',
principalId: '1',
roleId: 1,
role: {
id: 1,
name: 'admin',
description: null,
created: Thu Jun 25 2015 10:24:40 GMT-0700 (PDT),
modified: Thu Jun 25 2015 10:24:40 GMT-0700 (PDT)
id: 2,
principalType: 'USER',
principalId: '1',
roleId: 6,
role: {
id: 6,
name: 'sales',
description: null,
created: Thu Jun 25 2015 10:24:40 GMT-0700 (PDT),
modified: Thu Jun 25 2015 10:24:40 GMT-0700 (PDT)