I started working with compass today. I have created a project using sass (that's atleast what I entered in the cmd).
It made my project, all good. All files are good etc, made them .sass extensions.
File Structure: http://prntscr.com/9m2i7s
But now (here comes the problem), when I try to enter in some sass code, it's giving me an error: http://prntscr.com/9m2isq.
I have already found out what the problem is. The project thinks I'm using scss (where the syntax is without the ';'s and '{ }'s.
I don't mind working with scss instead of sass, but I find it weird. Because it made sass files for me etc.. and now it's wanting me to use scss.
Does anyone know how I would maybe be able to use sass instead of scss?
Kind Regards!
Your file extensions should be .scss for SASS, not .sass. Chances are your precompiler is choking because it don't know what format you are feeding it.