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How to map dlsym to a non-static C++ member function in a manner similar to a C function?

I studied and tested the following URLS closely, Calling function in shared library (Linux) get Segmentation Fault as well as My question is how to map dlsym to a non-static C++ member function similar to this C function example. If I substitute C function syntax for a non-static C++ member function , I get a no-op.

   void *lib;              /* void pointer named lib */
   void (*sayHello)(void); /* void pointer named sayHello */
   lib = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);

   *(void **) (&sayHello) = dlsym(lib,"_ZN19CDataTransferServer10InitializeEi13CC_SAMPLETYPEjjj");

Any help is appreciated.


  • Consider loading a method by its mangled name extracted with

    readelf -Ws


    nm -g libmy.o