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Incremental loading of images with promises

I am trying to load same image but with different resolution, one by one, with 1.png first and then 2.png and then 3.png, with help of promises, but when i run the code, it loads only 3.png image, what am i doing wrong?

function loadi(srce){

            return loadImag();
                console.log("Load successful");
    function loadImag(){
        return new Promise(function(fulfill,reject){

New code after 1st suggestion, still facing the same issue, only one image being loaded as seen in chrome dev tools

function loadi(srce){

            return loadImage(srce);


    function loadImage(src) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

// Run image loading logic here
// Call resolve() when loading complete, or reject() when fails.

            .then(function() { 
                console.log('Load successful!'); 
            }) // Not in loadImage().
            .catch(function(err) { 
                        console.log("Error");/* Handle potential errors */


  • Few things wrong with your code:

    • loadi does not return a Promise. Returning from a callback doesn't work as expected.
    • loadImag can basically be replaced with Promise.resolve().
    • .then() is expecting a function, you're passing the result of the function.

    Your code should look like this:

    function loadImage(src) {
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        // Run image loading logic here
        // Call resolve() when loading complete, or reject() when fails.
      .then(function() { return loadImage('2.png'); })
      .then(function() { return loadImage('3.png'); })
      .then(function() { console.log('Load successful!'); }) // Not in loadImage().
      .catch(function(err) { /* Handle potential errors */ });