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Can't understand how to extract post data from ejabberd http request handler

I'm trying to get to know ejabberd and erlang...

The first thing i wan't to do is to implement my own set of REST calls to control ejabberd from another server.

for example for this request:

POST /custom/register HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: no-cache


I want to register new Jabber user, so I've created this ejabberd module:





-export([start/2, stop/1,process/2]).

%% Includes

%% base ejabberd headers

%% ejabberd compatibility functions

%% ejabberd HTTP headers

start(_Host, _Opts) ->

stop(_Host) ->

process(["register"], _Request) ->
        Data =,

And added the http listener in ejabberd.cfg, I've been able to get the response that contains the post data back, BUT, I cant understand how to extract the the values from the Data.

for example I want that the variable Username will get the value of the "username" key ("user") in the POST data.

Thanks in Advance, Matan.


  • Ejabberd uses Jiffy which is an Erlang JSON parser. So you can use it to parse your HTTP request POST payload inside the handler.


    $ curl \
       -XPOST http://localhost:5280/test/register \
       --data '{"username":"user","host":"","password":"pass1"}'


    process([<<"register">>], #request{method = 'POST', data = Data}) ->
        {JSON} = jiffy:decode(Data),
        User = proplists:get_value(<<"username">>, JSON),
        Host = proplists:get_value(<<"host">>, JSON),
        Pass = proplists:get_value(<<"password">>, JSON),
        %% do something with:
        %% User =:= <<"user">>
        %% Host =:= <<"">>
        %% Pass =:= <<"pass1">>
        %% ...
        {200, [], <<"response">>};
    process(_Call, _Req) ->
        {404, [], <<"not_found">>}.