I'm working on my assignment and I've hit a roadblock, been trying to figure out where I'm going wrong in this code. I've searched a fair bit but couldn't find a solution. This is my code.
float Counter = 5.0f;
while (Counter < 24.0f)
string Output = "";
Output += Counter;
txtAvgTemp.Text = Output.ToString();
Counter += 1.5f;
my output data just shows 23, it goes through the loop and replaces all the previous string, I would like it too start from 5, print, then add 1.5, print. any help would be appreciated thank you.
Thanks for all the reponses it worked!! I have to add a calculation as part of the counter. but its giving me a unhandled error, where im trying to float.parse(volume) not sure why here is the code.
`string AvgTempOutput = ""; string volume; float Counter = 5.0f; float heatingCost;
while (Counter < 24.0f)
AvgTempOutput += Counter;
txtAvgTemp.Text += Counter.ToString() + "\r\n";
volume = txtVolume.Text;
heatingCost = (25.0f - Counter) * float.Parse(volume);
txtTableDollars.Text = heatingCost.ToString() + "r\n";
Counter += 1.5f;
You are replacing your text on each loop instead of adding new line to it as your are mentioning. Change the code like this
float Counter = 5.0f;
string Output = "";
while (Counter < 24.0f)
Output += Counter;
txtAvgTemp.Text += "\r\n" + Output.ToString(); //Appending the text
Counter += 1.5f;