I have been trying to learn how to pass variables from a C# method in my page, to a JQuery DateTimePicker. My C# works fine, but I cannot find a good tutorial that relates to the specific task of passing my DateTime value from C# to the JQuery DateTimePicker. I have looked on here and tried a few things, but they don't work.
I am not expecting anyone to solve it for me, I am asking for a good and solid tutorial about passing data from C# to JQuery functions, specifically around datetime, so I can solve it myself.
I have tried the JQuery site and could not find anything.
Thanks in advance.
The current DTP Jquery code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
$( function ()
$( '#datetimepickerFrom' ).datetimepicker( {
format: 'DD/MM/YY HH:mm',
stepping: 30,
toolbarPlacement: "bottom",
showTodayButton: true,
showClear: true,
collapse: true
} );
$( '#datetimepickerTo' ).datetimepicker( {
format: 'DD/MM/YY HH:mm',
stepping: 30,
toolbarPlacement: "bottom",
showTodayButton: true,
showClear: true,
} );
$( "#datetimepickerFrom" ).on( "dp.change", function ( e )
$( '#datetimepickerFrom' ).data( "DateTimePicker" ).minDate( e.date );
} );
$( "#datetimepickerTo" ).on( "dp.change", function ( e )
$( '#datetimepickerTo' ).data( "DateTimePicker" ).maxDate( e.date );
} );
} );
$( "input[id$='btnMonth']" ).click( function ()
var MonthFrom = $( "#HiddenMonthFrom" ).val();
var MonthTo = $( "#HiddenMonthTo" ).val();
alert( MonthFrom + " to " + MonthTo );
$( '#datetimepickerTo' ).data( "DateTimePicker" ).setDate(MonthFrom);
} );
I have added this and can now get the data from hidden fields:
The C# code is from a button on the web page.
protected void btnYesterday_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime b = a.GetYesterDayDateTimeFrom();//Gets the from date and time eg: Yesterday at 4pm
DateTime c = a.DateTo();//Is the date to value eg: tomorrow at 3pm
//Here is where I want to pass the dates to the JQuery DTP
Assuming you're using my picker change your code to use date([newDate])
$( "input[id$='btnMonth']" ).click(function ()
var MonthFrom = $( "#HiddenMonthFrom" ).val();
var MonthTo = $( "#HiddenMonthTo" ).val();
alert( MonthFrom + " to " + MonthTo );