I am working on automation of a website and want to make it a little modular. for example the code would be as follows:
global _width
global _height
global windowId
global baseURL
global theIndexOfW
on openApplicationWindow()
tell application "Google Chrome"
set w to make new window with properties {bounds:{50, 50, _width * (0.9), _height * (0.9)}}
set URL of active tab of w to (baseURL)
set windowId to id of w
set theIndexOfW to index of w
end tell
end openApplicationWindow
on repeatUrls()
tell application "Google Chrome"
set w to get window theIndexOfW
if w exists then
#do something
my openApplicationWindow()
end if
end tell
end repeatUrls
problem with this approach is that if the theIndexOfW=3 and window with index 2 was closed by mistake, the script crashes, I can see there is property windowId, and I don't want to iterate over all the windows as that it is inefficient. What would be the best way to do it?
Windows Id is a persistant parameter even if other windows are closed. So use windowId instead of theIndexofW.