I am working on a bit reversal algorithm for an fft implementation, my implementation so far is
//assume the proper includes
template<unsigned long bits>
unsigned long&& bitreverse(unsigned long value){
std::bitset<bits> input(value);
std::bitset<bits> result;
unsigned long j=input.size()-1;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<input.size(); ++i) {
return std::move(result.to_ulong());
I need to be able to reverse the bits in an N bit word. My current implementation is functional but I would like to re-write it so that the result can be used as a constexpr
, the function signature would need to be either:
template<unsigned long bits>
constexpr unsigned long&& bitreverse(unsigned long value);
template<unsigned long bits,unsigned long value>
constexpr unsigned long&& bitreverse();
or something close...
I'm not sure how to begin implementing this.
I would like to avoid bitwise operations if possible, but i'm not opposed to them.
You could just do this:
template <unsigned long bits>
constexpr unsigned long bitreverse(unsigned long value) {
unsigned long result = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0, j = bits - 1; i < bits; ++i, --j) {
result |= ((value & (1 << j)) >> j) << i;
return result;
I'm not sure why you want to use an r-value reference for the return type. It's not going to make anything more efficient, and I think will result in a dangling reference.