Search code examples

Regarding using History.js to manage browser state


History.pushState({state:1}, "State 1", "?state=1")

suppose if i need to store page number and sort order then what code i need to write?

url part is mandatory ?

how to get back the state when user click on browser back or forward buttons?

suppose i have a object like this

var PageState= {

so can i store it like this way

History.pushState({state:PageState}, null, null); ?

when user click on browser back and forward button then how could i get back the state from browser history using History.js lib ?

looking for code sample. thanks


  • The URL parameter is required because that's what gets appended to the base URL in the address bar. If you want to stay on the same path, but save a new history state, you could use the current url: History.pushState(state, null, location.href).

    The window emits an event when a history state is changed.

    var PageState = {
        PageNo: 1,
        SortCol: "Name",
        SortOrder: "ASC"
    History.pushState(PageState, null, location.href);
    stateChangeHandler = function(event) {
        // This PageState is the same object defined above
        var PageState = event.state;
        var NewLocation =;
    // These two statements are nearly equivalent. Only one is needed.
    window.onpopstate = stateChangeHandler;
    window.addEventListener("popstate", stateChangeHandler);

    Further reading: MDN popstate reference