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Show Content Security Policy at app startup

I am trying to setup the CSP and Ember is doing something funny, difficult to describe what. I am rightly configuring one part, and it is failing in another part. Or suddenly, livereload is blocked. Or it says that script-src is not defined, and falls back to default-src, which is fine, if it weren't a lie. I know ember-cli-content-security-policy is processing the CSP to allow for livereload and whatnot, but I do not know when/how this is done. I want to verify that the CSP I configure is surviving ember-cli processing, because after one hour of debugging I do not trust it anymore.

Long story short: I want to see the CSP at startup of my app, right when the versions are shown. I do not want to see the CSP that I have configured, but the one that Ember is using, which might or might not be the same: this is exactly what I want to find out.

How can I tell Ember "show me the CSP that you are using"?


Thanks to @Bek for the tip about checking the request headers.

With this config (copy-pasted from the ember-cli-content-security-policy readme):

ENV.contentSecurityPolicy = {
  'default-src': "'none'",
  'script-src': ["'self'", ""], // Allow scripts from
  'font-src': ["'self'", ""], // Allow fonts to be loaded from
  'connect-src': ["'self'", "", "http://custom-api.local"], // Allow data (ajax/websocket) from and custom-api.local
  'img-src': "'self'",
  'style-src': ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", ""], // Allow inline styles and loaded CSS from
  'media-src': null // `media-src` will be omitted from policy, browser will fallback to default-src for media resources.

I get these headers:

Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self',,e,l,f,', ,',u,n,s,a,f,e,-,e,v,a,l,' localhost:49152; font-src 'self',,e,l,f,'; connect-src 'self',,http://custom-api.local,l,f,' ws://localhost:49152 ws:// http://undefined:16013/csp-report; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self','unsafe-inline',,l,f,'; media-src null; report-uri http://undefined:16013/csp-report;

It seems that indeed ember-cli-content-security-policy is doing something funny. No idea how to solve that. I have opened an issue.


  • Content Security Policy is simple header (attached to all responces) sent from your host server, you can always check it going to chrome dev tools networks section

    I get these headers:
    It seems that indeed ember-cli-content-security-policy is doing something funny. No idea how to solve that. I have opened an issue.

    This issue is in v0.4.0 but not in master (I guess it was fixed) so for now you can install it from master

    "ember-cli-content-security-policy": "rwjblue/ember-cli-content-security-policy#master",