I set my input field so that when user clicks on it, a Bootstrap Datetimepicker is shown. I want to calculate something based on the date that is being entered in that input field through the datetimepicker.
I have thus defined my calculating function as:
$("#dob").on("input change bind", function (e) {
//calculate age here.
"dob" is the id for the input box. Datetimepicker correctly enters the datetime to the field. Code:
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
showClose: true
Curiously, this bit of code works if I manually enter the date
$("#dob").change( function () {
But it is not called when the date is selected through Bootstrap Datetimepicker. What's causing the problem here?
$('#dob').change(function () { //OR $('#dob').on('change',function ()
$('#dp3').datepicker().on('changeDate', function (ev) {
$('#dob').change(function () {